We meet each Thursday morning, from 10:00 to 11:00 AM in Room 103. Call the church @ 352.391.9808 for the latest information, and keep an eye on our events page to see upcoming events for the women of Tri County Baptist Church.
Team Leader: Janice Smith
Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm. Proverbs 13:20
C.S. Lewis understood this principle when he said “The next best thing to being wise oneself is to live in a circle of those who are.” We have a circle of friends that is just waiting to include you. Always be reminded that you are unique and you are loved. Our team plans regular fun and fellowship for regular women’s outings. Follow us on the Calendar
Team Leader: Sandra Sinagra
There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens: Ecclesiastes 3:1
This is where it all began….Three hugely successful seasonal events. Spring Fling, Summer Luncheon, and Christmas Coffee.
In whatever season you find yourself, you’ll be excited to know that there is a group of ladies to accompany you in your journey. Our team will arrange for special speakers, plan each program and contract with local vendors when appropriate.
CREATION STATION – Creatively Serving the Creator
Team Leaders: Michele Garwood, Ruth Dixon, and Donna Gardner
Our goal is to serve God and the needs of the church through the visual arts
Church Fellowship and Outreach Events Ministry
Ladies create centerpieces, scriptural bookmarks, and favors – as well as set up and take down decorations for church events
Visitation and Welcome Ministry
Ladies create small scriptural floral arrangements for home, hospital visits, and welcome visits.
Card Ministry
Ladies create bereavement, encouragement, and get-well cards to send weekly to those on our church prayer list and others in our church who are in need.
Note: Class meets every Friday at the church from 1pm to 3pm – except the last Friday of the month.