Journey INC


Sunday Worship @ 8:30, 9:45 & 11:00 AM - SUNDAY EVENINGS @ 5:00 PM

Journey INC (In the Name of Christ)

In 2020, TCBC prayerfully decided to team with Love INC Heart of Florida to establish a way to be a light to the community.  This has resulted in a mid-week program called Journey INC.

Each Tuesday night from 5:00 to 7:30 our church teams with Love INC in a program hosted at Hope Lutheran Church to serve those in the community who find themselves in need.  Each week there is a meal, childcare, and a selection of classes to help participants set goals and, more importantly, reach them.  It's very exciting to see lives begin to transform both physically, spiritually, and financially, socially, and emotionally.

Here are some of the Journey INC Program Goals:

  1. Build and train a team of Christian volunteers to offer learning opportunities that will provide participants with knowledge, skills, and supportive relationships to change behaviors that have kept them in material, spiritual, and relational poverty. 
  2. Successfully implement and sustain ongoing learning opportunities for our community. 
  3. Increase successful, life-affirming outcomes “Love Stories” for our clients who have been referred to Love INC. 
  4. Increase mutual relationships and understanding between our church volunteers and community participants.