Love INC/Journey INC


Sunday Worship @ 8:30, 9:45 & 11:00 AM - SUNDAY EVENINGS @ 5:00 PM

Love INC/Journey Inc

In the late summer of 2020, Tri County Baptist Church joined Love INC to host a valuable community program called Journey INC.  Each Tuesday night, Journey INC meets with scores of families to encourage them to grow and transition from a place of difficulty to flourish in a place of success.

Since then, we have contributed to the program by supplying childcare, mentors, and hospitality teams each week.  It has been encouraging to see what God is doing in many of their lives.  

Here's other ways to volunteer with Love INC.

Did you know?

Every day Love INC becomes aware of needs that have to be met in a specific way. Please read below, to see if your talent or passion is one of the specific needs that have come to our attention in your community.


House Clean up


James is coordinating a clean-up for his neighbor, a veteran in his 80's who is in rehab, recovering from a fall. James is requesting 2-3 volunteers come and help August 24th or August 31st, whichever day works for them to help clean up his neighbor's home in Lady Lake. The house has years of collected things piling up and James' desire is to have the home ready for his friend/neighbor when the time comes.


Seeking a House, Villa, or Condo for rent


Mrs. Dodie has a church member that needs a place to stay temporarily because her stove exploded and insurance needs time for the repairs.  AirBNB, VRBO, or private rental is preferred for a tidy lady in her 80's. She is able to pay for the rental. Looking for 4-6 weeks stay near The Villages/Wildwood.


Spruce up the Place


Do you enjoy trimming bushes, mowing the lawn, or light lawn care?  Do you have a way to travel with your tools? We have an elderly friend we would like to bless with lawn care this fall. Typically we mow and trim her yard in the spring and she's able to care for it the rest of the year. Her health, post COVID, hasn't recovered well enough to do the yard on her own and it's overgrown again. If you have a crew of 2-3 or just love yard work on your own, this is for you. It's a small lot (.22 acre) in Summerfield with a hedge and mobile home. Estimated 4 hours total time. Divided by 2-3 people, 1.5-2 hours each. 


Little Rugs, Big Rugs, Oh my! We have Rugs!


The Donations Center is looking for a team of 3-4 volunteers for 2.5 hours to process rugs one day next week. You pick the day. They'll provide everything you need. Even training and cold water. (moderate lifting + carrying up to 10lbs. standing. vacuuming. bending.)


Off the rails with Bed Rails


The Donations Center is looking for a team of 2 volunteers for 2.5 hours to wrap and label bed rails one day next week. You pick the day. They'll provide everything you need. Even training and cold water. (moderate lifting up to 10lbs. standing.)


Clean sheets + Covers without holes


We love to provide clean sheets and blankets/comforters to our clients when we deliver their new beds. Mrs. Christina is faithful to measuring, folding, and bundling them each week. She sure could use another set of hands on Wednesday or Friday 10:30a-2:30p in the Donations Center. (Standing. Stretching. Folding. Tagging.)


Love people + stuff, but have too much at home? Have we got a job for you


Play in our stuff without cluttering your home. Each weekday Love INC accepts drop off donations in the Donations Center. It's the first impression for most of our donors. We want them to feel appreciated and know we are thankful for their great stuff. It's always great when we have a hunter a.k.a. collector a.k.a. junker who knows their stuff. This is the spot that determines: what it is, do we keep it, do we give it away, is it still useful, who would use it, can it be recycled. Ultimately, let's process it! It's a Jack-of-All-Trades kind of job. Fun and interesting. We never know what may walk in the door. We have openings for a few great men/women to join the team. Monday morning or afternoon, Thursday or Friday afternoon. (Standing. Light lifting. Carrying. Greeting donors. Issuing in-kind donation receipts.)


Muscles that Move


It's no secret Love INC has a furniture store and it takes muscles, big and small, to make things move and groove. It's also no secret - Florida is HOT! We are looking for volunteers to help make it all possible. If you are available 2 hrs per week, any day (Mon-Fri) to pop in and lend a hand, we'd love to have you. It's not all heavy stuff...most is on the lighter side (>25lbs). We work smarter not harder with dollies, 4 way wheelers, and sliders. Have muscles, but no experience? That's ok. Our crew will show you how it's done. (Lifting (<50lbs). (Standing. Pushing. Pulling. Bending.)


Organization Project: Seasonal Clothing


Our clothing department is looking for a team of 2-4 volunteers for 3.5 hours to organize our youth + children's clothing shelves on a Monday.  You pick the time. (Standing. Folding. Storing.)


Rock-a-Bye Baby


Debra is searching for 2-3 more volunteers to rock babies at Journey on Tuesday evenings. Once a month. Once a quarter. 5:45pm-7:15pm. Hope Lutheran Church, Central Campus. (Sitting. Walking at times.)


Radiant Smiles + Bubbly Personality with an eye for style


Stephanie is looking for a few great go-getters to join the Centsible Team. Merchandising, displaying, and most of all helping customers with a great attitude, sharing love, and a smile. Come have some fun for a great cause. Wednesday or Thursday. 9:45a-1:30p or 1:30p-5p (Light lifting. Standing. Bending.)


Simple conversations. Warming hearts. Calming nerves.


First impressions are the gateway to success. Do you know someone who is great on the phone, calms your nerves, and gives great instructions? We are looking for 1-2 volunteers 9a-1p to make a great first impression with those calling Love INC for help. Help with benevolence, help with a donation, help with a delivery, or just plain help with where to call for help. Everyone loves a great first impression.  Help us find some more great people to join our team. (Sitting. Listening. Writing. Typing.)


Consult with our Executive Director. Building a Network for Good. 


We have some of the world's BEST leaders within 10 miles. From infrastructure to organization to management. You did it or know someone next door who did. We are growing by leaps and bounds and it would be great to consult with some of you who have gone before us and learn your trials and triumphs as we seek to change the future, not repeat the past. Would you introduce your friends to our Executive Director, Dana? She is specifically looking for the consultation on the following topics:


Warehouse Organization

Systems Management

Facilities Maintenance

Strategic Planning


Click to sign up or for more information contact Julia at (352) 245-8774.


Don't see an opportunity that fits your gifts and abilities? Call Julia and let's get you matched at Love INC or in the community. There's always something for everyone.

Our Contact Information

Love INC of the Heart of Florida

15797 South Highway 441
Summerfield, FL 34491

(352) 245-8774

Click here for the most recent newsletter and more information about Love INC please visit them at