

Sunday Worship @ 8:30, 9:45 & 11:00 AM - SUNDAY EVENINGS @ 5:00 PM

Missions · Reaching the World for Christ

Tri County Baptist Church is fully committed to seeing the Gospel spread throughout the world. Below is a listing of our missionaries. For more information, please contact us.

Bearss, Jim & Anna - Haiti Bible Institute

Jim and Anna are training nationals in Haiti to become well-equipped to teach God’s word in their own country.  These churches then permeate the country with the gospel. They also go throughout the year to Columbia and the Philippines. When teaching in Columbia, they also have students from Venezuela, Bolivia, Peru, and Panama.

2690 Stargrass Circle, Clermont, FL 34715


docbearss@ontargetministry.org       abeiekat@gmail.com


Mission Agency:  2130 Grand Ave. #3, Des Moines, IA 50312 515.282.7250

Birthdays: Jim 2/3/51; Anna 8/22/56; Anniversary: 12/31/78

Brittain, Bill & Kathy - Liberia

Bill & Kathy have a lifetime of experience with missions and are eagerly serving God in Liberia. 

Email: kathy.brittain@abwego.org; bill.brittain@abwego.org

Phone:  Kathy:  219-381-5417;  Bill 219-246-7815

Mission Agency:  ABWE, P.O. Box 8585, Harrisburg, PA  17105-8585  info@abwe.org 

717.774.7000; fax:717.774.1919

Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/bill.brittain.731

Drake, Evan & Joy - Togo, Africa (HOPE Radio)


Evan and Joy use multi-media and train leaders to reach West Africa. They choose and train leaders for newly established church plants.  They also create and translate programming for HOPE Radio station to broadcast the gospel as far as it reaches.  The initial translation has been in French, the more common language.

B.P. 10, Mano, Togo

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/evan.drake.50

Mission Agency:  Missioserve Alliance, P.O. Box 1126, Wheaton, IL  60187-1126


Birthdays:  Evan 6/23; Joy 11/15; Matt 3/27

Edgar, Bruce & Laura - Nicaragua

Bruce and Laura host many teams and individuals to train and work alongside them in the ministry. Their Institute of Church Planters (ICP) has graduated many students and pastors now serving in ministry.  Here, Bruce teaches, launches new ICP churches, and encourages those already established.

Vonage Line: 863-248-4678

Email: bruceedgar33@gmail.com

Mission Agency:  ABWE, P.O. Box 8585, Harrisburg, PA  17105-8585  info@abwe.org 

717.774.7000; fax:717.774.1919

Sending Church:  Heritage Baptist Church, 4202 Pipkin Creek Rd., Lakeland, FL 33811

Birthdays: Bruce 4/2; Laura 10/28; Anniversary: 9/2/95

Garcia, Pedro, III & Stephanie - Iquique, Chile

Through Florece Prenatal & Family Counseling Center and a team of volunteers, the Garcias are anxious to share God’s love for women and their children and families in Iquique, Chili. A neighboring desert town of Huara is also asking Florece to help with the pregnant women and infants of the hundreds of Venezuelan immigrants living in transition in tents and under the heat of day and cold of night.

Vonage Line: (302) 352-0543

Email: garcias2chile@gmail.com

Mission Agency:  ABWE, P.O. Box 8585, Harrisburg, PA  17105-8585  info@abwe.org 

717.774.7000; fax:717.774.1919

Sending Church:  First Baptist Church, 1212 Knollwood Dr., Lapeer, MI  48446

Birthdays: Pedro 4/9; Stephanie 2/13; Eva 2/7; Isabel 6/12; Owen 4/12; Ian 12/9; Alec 4/8; Silas 10/28; Anniversary: 7/5

Gerges, Gerges & Heidi - Egypt and Muslim 

Gerges is a pastor at an Arabic church in West Palm Beach, Florida, and he is married to Heidi Gerges.  He studied at Marietta Bible College in Marietta, OH from 1998 to 2002.  He now lives in Lake Worth, Florida.  In addition to ministering to Muslims and those who speak Arabic, he and his wife make three trips to Egypt to encourage believers and to be a witness.  His goal is to teach others how to witness to Muslims.

Birthdays:  Gerges 2.2.76; Heidi 6.9.89; Holly 4.22.20; James 4.20.22; Joe 6.12.21  

Anniversary:  7.11.20

Cell:  561-951-4062

Gibson, Adam & Melissa - Portugal

Adam and Melissa started a new church plant Igreja Baptista Evangelica das Colinas with an English service at 10 AM and a Portuguese service at noon.  Colinas is the town in which they live.


gibsons2portugal@gmail.com; adamnmel@abwe.cc

WhatsApp: (+351 93 66 27 920)

Mission Agency:  ABWE, P.O. Box 8585, Harrisburg, PA  17105-8585  info@abwe.org

717.774.7000; fax: 717.774.1919

Birthdays: Adam 11/16; Melissa 10/13; Natalia 1/5/09; Annaelise 9/6/11; Giselle 5/9/15

Anniversary: 3/5/05

Gibson, Bill & Joy - USA


Pathway Discipleship has a mission is to fulfill Christ’s command to make disciples. We  do this with Christ as our example. Just as He shared his life with his disciples, we also seek to invest in the lives of lost and hurting people.

Reach. Invest. Multiply. 

Bringing seekers to a saving knowledge of the Lord, enabling them to grow in their personal relationship with Christ, and training them to disciple others. This process is individualized for each disciple as we meet them, and help them set and achieve spiritual goals. God’s word, prayer, faith sharing, and accountability is the core focus of our mission.
It is our belief that true discipleship is not a program or even a curriculum, but the overlay of Christ’s life on ours, and our lives on others. In this way we see people come to know and love Christ, commit their lives to Him, and invest in discipling others, all to the glory of God.


(717) 585-2506

4 Meadowlark Dr., Stephens, PA  17578

Henzler, Mark & Diane - Greece

Mark and Diane are presently in Greece training MBBs (Muslim background believers) to teach in a future-planned Bible institute.  The recent refugee crisis has brought 35,000 Muslims into Greece.  It is exciting to see how God has opened the door for Muslims to be willing and to have access to hear the gospel!


Mission Agency:  ABWE, P.O. Box 8585, Harrisburg, PA  17105-8585, info@abwe.org 

717.774.7000 fax:  717.774.1919

Birthdays: Mark 7/15; Diane 3/23; Anniversary: 7/9/1988

Merrill, Niah & Allisha - USA

 The Merrills travel full-time in ministry calling their RV “home.” Their rig is fully equipped to carry instruments, sound, and video systems while also functioning as their overnight accommodations.

God has uniquely gifted Niah and Allisha to serve the local church. While dating in 2011, Niah and Allisha were deeply involved in a thriving church plant in Powdersville, SC, and were later commissioned to travel full-time in ministry after their marriage. Over the years, they have worked together with the Merrill Evangelistic Team (Niah’s father’s ministry) and Wycliffe Associates in the work of Bible translation. God used these opportunities to broaden their ministry experiences and give them a greater burden for missions and Bible poverty around the world. In January 2016, God brought them to the next transition and step of faith–starting the new traveling music ministry in which they currently serve. Together, they have had the opportunity to minister all across the United States as well as Italy, Nepal, and Israel.  info@niahallisha.com 

Niah Merrill - 864-534-6671

Allisha Merrill - 864-386-8705

Support can be sent through Tri County Baptist Church, 38405 Rolling Acres Rd., Lady Lake, FL


Meyers, Dave & Carolyn - ZimZam Global

Dave is known for his love for people, all Chicago sports teams, anything barbecue, and hanging out with his family!

Traveling to 60 countries over the past 33 years has given Dave a unique perspective on cultures, communities, and global mission causes.  He has a passion for people groups without access to the Bible and for children worldwide to have a healthy, dynamic community in which to worship God.

After leading various ministries and teams over the years, Dave is focused on the vision of multiplying healthy churches among all peoples through children, youth, and families. As a founding partner with ZimZam Global, Dave is impassioned with casting vision; creating opportunities for leaders; and helping children, especially those with disabilities, come to know, love, and serve Jesus.

Dave and his wife Carolyn met in college in TN and have been married since 1984. They have three adult children, one daughter-in-love and three precious granddaughters, one of which is in heaven, and one grandson. They make their home in the Valley of the Sun in Phoenix, AZ.  info@zimzamglobal.org


ZimZam Global, P.O. Box 72446, Phoenix, AZ 85050

Standridge, Steve & Stephanie - Rome, Italy

Steve and Stephanie train pastors and plant churches in Rome.  They have also been working on teen ministry and home Bible studies.  Stephanie incurred cancer while on the mission field and has since gone through chemo treatments.  Steve is also receiving extended IV antibiotic treatment for Lyme disease.


Mission Agency:  TEAM, Viale Gorgia di Leontini 330, P. O. Box 1986, 00124 Rome, Italy Personal Acct # 012054

Birthdays: Steve 6/9; Stephanie 12/24; Simeon 10/22/98; Elisha 12/15/2000

Anniversary: 12/9/95

Stone, Jonathan & Angela - Lima, Peru

Jonathan and Angela lead this ministry which concentrates on teaching/training students in the seminary and church planting.    Angela is a nurse and volunteers where needed.  She also home-schools their three children.  The team’s vision is for Peru to become an “epicenter for world missions” by 2050.  The church plants are already sending missionaries to North Africa, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia.


Facebook: Stones in Peru or Jonathan Stone or Angela Mast Stone

Mission Agency:  ABWE, P.O. Box 8585, Harrisburg, PA  17105-8585; info@abwe.org

717.774.7000; fax:  717.774.1919

Birthdays: Jonathan 11/29; Angela 9/10; Alison 12/26/06; Benjamin 8/11/08; Samuel 3/27/10; Anniversary: 6/23/2001

Terry Sturgill - Seedline South USA

Terry Sturgill has committed to collating scripture full-time.  He travels to hundreds of churches offering them the opportunity to have a hands-on approach to sending the Word of God to the world.  

Terry Sturgill

4340 Big Dipper Cir.

Hephzibah, GA  30815

(706) 726-4208

Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/terry.sturgill.980

West, Dave & Patti - Chivilcoy, Argentina

The West family, Dave, Patti, and their son Mike are church planting in Argentina. They are continuing to learn Spanish by immersion into their new culture.  Their first phase of ministry will be adjusting and learning —ORIENTATION to everything new! Their son, Mike, who has special needs, is fitting in rapidly and happily.

Calle Ituzaingó 207, 6620 Chivilcoy, Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America

Email and What’s App: dpwest@gmsa.org

Phone: 515.965.9047 (US calls only)

Dave: +54 9 2346 69-8866 Patti: +54 9 2346 68-5587

Mission Board:  Gospel Mission of South America, 1401 SW 21st Ave., Fort Lauderdale, FL  33312


Birthdays: Dave 2/22; Patti 7/16; Mike 3/27/96; Anniversary: 1/24/87
